Bastille Linux

Besides manual security hardening of a Linux OS, let’s check out a free open-source tool to automate and simplify the process. Bastille will disable unnecessary services and install operating system updates as well as configure a firewall, enforce password policies, create a second root-level account and more. What’s nice is that Bastille leads the user through a simple series of yes/no questions, giving a detailed explanation of why each question is asked and what will happen if ‘yes’ is chosen. It doesn’t merely expect guesswork, nor does it blindly alter your system – instead, it genuinely hardens your computer and educates on security in the process.

The good thing is that you’re also not locked in to Bastille’s changes should you decide some of the setting changes weren’t for you. Running RevertBastille automatically restores the state of all config files and settings to just how they were before Bastille made any changes. Obviously, if you make changes to your system manually after running Bastille, you will lose these too so it is best to test changes as soon as possible after applying to ensure you won’t harm anything else if you need to revert.

Unfortunately, Bastille is not for everyone: versions exist for Red Hat, SUSE, Debian, Gentoo and Mandrake (as well as non-Linux UNIX variants HP-UX and MacOS X). If you do run one of those systems, you really are well-advised to run Bastille. You can download the latest version from SourceForge.

Let’s give Bastille a run-through.
Launch Bastille by calling up a terminal prompt as root and executing ./InteractiveBastille. You are lead through a series of security steps, as follows.

1.  Apply a firewall to prevent access to potentially vulnerable services, using iptables. This is a big topic which could not be adequately covered here. Fortunately, Bastille’s explanations do an admirable job. In one sense, this is redundant; if the service has been disabled as we discussed above, there won’t be anything listening on the port which can be exploited. However, you might later restore a service for testing or for internal use. Or it may be restored inadvertently. Whatever the reason, Bastille errs on the side of tougher security by protecting your system from the same exploits via more than one method.

Retrieve and apply available operating system patches, as discussed above.

2. Audit the system tools which have the SUID flag set and which run as the superuser, even for ordinary users. The danger of SUID apps is they perform actions with full superuser powers no matter who executes them. This is essential in some cases: for instance, if the passwd command couldn’t write back to the shadowed password file then nobody could actually change their password. However, you may not want ordinary users running the dump and restore commands, both of which come with SUID status out-of-the-box.

3. Tighten up account security. Here, Bastille first asks to create a second account with root-level access. This means you can disable root if desired, or at the very least if you exclusively use the second account, you can tell if someone else is trying to log in as root because you know it won’t be you. This section of Bastille also prompts to enforce password aging and some other items like assigning a restricted or useless shell to non-user accounts. There’s wisdom in this last point.

4. Enhance boot security. This helps restrict the computer even if someone can get physical access to it and try starting it up in single-user mode.

5. Deactivate or restrict unnecessary services, as discussed above.
From this point, the remaining modules are less significant (though still beneficial) and include disabling program compilation, limiting system usage, increasing logging, installing SSH, tightening up DNS and Apache, disabling printing and a couple of other things.

Bastille now exits, but has not yet made any changes. All your choices have been saved to a configuration file. Run ./ to actually enforce them. Reboot and test out your hardened server. Any malicious attackers will find far less vulnerabilities and options against your computer.

Security is something we all need to take seriously. Many people may not even be aware that they have possible insecurities. Fortunately, the above steps are easy to understand and simple to implement.


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